

2020/01/20 栏目:天珠
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上篇总结天珠知识点,有朋友留言让我讲讲琉璃珠和料器珠,为了文章的严谨性,通过自身经历和查阅资料总结了今天这篇仿制天珠知识讲解。 其实天珠的仿制历史并不是这几年才开始,而是有很长的一段历史,经过查阅资料其上限不超过清代,想必不少朋友知道,天珠

天珠英语是gZi Beads, [1] 藏语叫(si , 斯)汉语译为“斯”或“瑟”,又称“天降石”。在《藏汉大辞典》里天珠的解释为:“亚玛瑙,猫睛石,一种宝石,俗称九眼珠。入药能治脑溢血” 。最早的天珠为象雄天珠,象雄天珠 诞生于古代横跨中亚及青藏高原最强大的文明古国--古象雄王国,它是雍仲本教的圣物,是藏族七宝之首” 。 象雄天珠由大成就者和高僧大德供奉加持装藏供佛或者伏藏传世而来,现存世(老)天珠皆为古人遗存,无比珍稀罕见。象雄天珠是目前有实物见证的最古老、至纯的天珠,是极为稀有难得的珍宝。 象雄天珠是古象雄文明时期的产物。

ianzhu English is GZI beans, which is translated into "Si" or "Se" in Tibetan, also known as "tianjiangshi". In the dictionary of Tibetan and Han Dynasties, the explanation of Tianzhu is: "agate, opal, a kind of gem, commonly known as jiuyanzhu. Medicine can cure cerebral hemorrhage. The earliest celestial pearl is the Xiangxiong celestial pearl, which was born in the ancient kingdom of ancient Xiangxiong, the most powerful ancient civilization across Central Asia and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It is the sacred object of yongzhongben religion and the first of the seven treasures of Tibet. Xiangxiong Tianzhu comes from the great achiever and the great monk, who worships, holds, packs and hides for Buddha, or hides and passes on. The existing (old) Tianzhu are the remains of the ancients, which are extremely rare. At present, Xiangxiong Tianzhu is the oldest and purest Tianzhu with physical witness, which is a rare treasure Xiangxiong Tianzhu is the product of ancient Xiangxiong civilization.

天珠的名称何人所取已不可求证,港澳台叫天珠,藏族叫“丝”,汉族则称“九眼珠”。奥地利藏学家勒内.德、内贝斯基.沃科维茨于公元一九五二年出版的《来自西藏的史前珠》及一九五三年出版的《西藏的神灵和鬼怪》 两本书中,均称为“猫眼石”。杜宾.路易斯先生于公元一九八六年出版的《珠的历史》书中提到这类珠子为“蚀刻或漂白的红玉髓”。《新唐书》记载:“吐蕃妇人辫发,戴不瑟瑟珠,云珠之好者,一珠易一良马。”著名的现代藏学家格勒博士在《藏族苯教的神》论文称这种珠子为九眼勒子。台湾著名的学者刘良佑教授在《天珠探秘》文中提到西藏学者通常称天珠为“白玛瑙勒子”,是藏族服饰勒子项圈材料的一种。台湾天珠商人林东广在一九九七年出版的《西藏天珠》一文中从头至尾称天珠。 西藏先民认为,天珠是神创造的超自然之物,是自然生成的或天降下来的,如果有谁说天珠是“天人合一”的工艺品,会遭到他们强烈的反对。问许多藏族群众天珠来自哪里,他们讲述着同一个古老的神话:在古代,天珠是神仙佩戴的装饰物,每当珠子破损或稍有损坏,神仙就把他们抛洒下生物的化石,与鹦鹉螺、三叶虫处于同一时代。在喜马拉雅定日一带、藏北无人区化石山上都有人曾捡到过海螺化石天珠。老百姓的故事则说:曾经有一个人在高山之巅见到这样一只虫子,他用帽子扑它并将它罩住。当他挪开帽子时,虫已经石化了,成了一粒天珠。R.内贝斯基—沃科维茨博士在其《西藏的史前珠子》一文中讲述西藏西部阿里地区的一个传说。人们认为,天珠起源于茹多克附近的一座山上,遇上大雨天珠如溪流般地沿余坡泻而下。然而,有一天,一个巫婆用“邪恶的目光”盯着那座山,于是天珠马上停止流淌。直至今日,在天珠不断流出的地方还可以看到颇具特色、眼睛纹路的天然天珠。

The name of Tianzhu can't be proved. It's called Tianzhu in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, silk in Tibetan and jiuyanzhu in Han. The prehistoric pearl from Tibet and the gods and ghosts of Tibet published in 1953

In both books, they are called "opal". In his book the history of beads, published in 1986 A.D., Mr. Dubin Lewis referred to such beads as "etched or bleached chalcedony.". "The new Tangshu" records: "Tubo women braided hair, wearing a pearl, cloud bead of good, a pearl easy a good horse." Dr. Geller, a famous modern Tibetan scientist, called this kind of bead "nine eye lozenges" in his paper "the God of Tibetan Bon". Professor Liu Liangyou, a well-known scholar in Taiwan, mentioned in the article "Tianzhu exploration" that Tibetan scholars usually call Tianzhu "white agate Lozi", which is a kind of material of Lozi collar for Tibetan costume. Lin Dongguang, a businessman of Tianzhu in Taiwan, called Tianzhu from beginning to end in the article "Tibet Tianzhu" published in 1997.


在坊间,多把“天珠”分为三类:天珠、中天珠(是chung dzi的音译,又叫“次要天珠”或“冲天珠”)和“旁系天珠”(又叫“天珠族”“崩系天珠”) 事实上,以上分类并不是学术意义上的分类,甚至这几个名称都是含糊概念,你可以把它理解为一种目前普遍使用和

According to the ancestors of Tibet, Tianzhu is a supernatural thing created by God, which is naturally generated or descended from heaven. If anyone said that Tianzhu is a handicraft of "unity of heaven and man", they would strongly oppose it. Ask many Tibetan people where Tianzhu comes from. They tell the same old myth: in ancient times, Tianzhu was the decoration worn by gods. Whenever the beads were damaged or slightly damaged, the gods would throw their biological fossils, which was in the same era as Nautilus and trilobite. In Dingri area of Himalaya and fossil mountain of no man's land in northern Tibet, conch fossil Tianzhu has been found. The story of the common people says: once a man saw such a bug on the top of the mountain, he threw his hat at it and covered it. When he removed his hat, the insect had petrified and became a pearl. In his "prehistoric beads of Tibet", Dr. R. nebesky wakowitz tells a legend of Ali Region in Western Tibet. It is believed that Tianzhu originated from a mountain near rudoc. In case of hea



In the view of Yang Zi, a famous collector of Tianzhu, Tianzhu has several incomparable factors of jade and diamond. According to Yang Zi, the celestial pearl of Zhang Xiong, jade and diamond are valuable for three reasons: beauty, rarity and public recognition. "Tianzhu has at least 100 times room for appreciation in the future. Firstly, compared with jade and diamond, the number of Tianzhu is more than 100 times less; secondly, Tianzhu has gradually improved its popularity in recent years, and has a certain degree of recognition in the public; thirdly, different people have different opinions, and different totems of Tianzhu also bring about the feeling of beauty. " In addition, Yang Zi believes that every pearl has passed through thousands of years of inheritance and development, and it is extremely rare to pass it on to today and keep it intact. Its historical heritage value is very high. Moreover, the totem of each celestial bead has its unique meaning. Some scientists analyze the atlas like human DNA, which also adds an unpredictable veil to the mysterious color of the celestial bead. "Tianzhu also has historical value, inheritance value, cultural value, aesthetic value, medical value, protection value, etc."

When Yang Zigang started to collect Tianzhu, he had a "circle" of his own. These friends who have many years of research experience on Tianzhu will help him determine whether Tianzhu is good or not. "After choosing which bead, I will not give money first. I will let ten friends I trust to see the bead. If one person thinks there is a problem, I will not contact the seller again. I will only buy it if all my friends think there is no problem." For Yang Zi, price is not a problem, and the collection channel of Tianzhu is very important, which makes him collect without losing his hand. "To collect Tianzhu, you need to choose the person you trust to buy it. Maybe he has the strength and public influence, and won't give you a black hand because of a Tianzhu. The pearls I collect now are the best, the most



今天没事把网上关于天珠文章摘录综述如下:本文所用图片都是本人收藏天珠,不是网上的。天珠藏语叫(si , 斯)汉语译为“斯”或“瑟”,又称“天降石”。在《藏汉大辞典》里天珠的解释为:“亚玛瑙,猫睛石,一种宝石,俗称九眼珠。入药能治脑溢血” 。 (一