

2020/05/06 栏目:天珠
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观世音菩萨(梵文:Avalokiteśvara),观世音来自于竺法护与其弟子译于长安敦煌寺的 《正法华经》。竺法护初译“光世音” 其弟子聂道真改为“观世音”。 [1] 玄奘新译为观自在,中国每略称为观音。

观世音菩萨是佛教中慈悲和智慧的象征,无论在大乘佛教还是在民间信仰,都具有极其重要的地位。以观世音菩萨为主导的大慈悲精神,被视为大乘佛教的根本。佛经上说,观世音是过去的正法明如来所现化,他在无量国土中,以菩萨之身到处寻声救苦。观世音与阿弥陀佛有着特殊的关系。他是西方三圣中的一尊, [2] 也是一生补处的法身大士,是继承阿弥陀佛位的菩萨,而且还有说观世音就是阿弥陀佛的化身。


天珠英语是gZi Beads, [1] 藏语叫(zi 斯)汉语译为“斯”或“瑟”,又称“天降石”。在《藏汉大辞典》里天珠的解释为:“亚玛瑙,猫睛石,一种宝石,俗称九眼珠。入药能治脑溢血”。最早的天珠为象雄天珠,象雄天珠诞生于古代横跨中亚及青藏高原最强大的文明古国--古象雄王国,它是雍仲本教的圣物,是藏族七宝之首”。



英文名称:Chalcedony avalokitesvara bodhisattva tianzhu









天珠:藏族人认为是“天降石”,视为“活的宝石”,受到虔诚膜拜和恭敬收藏供养,世代相传。 很多人有一种错误观念,总是先入为主的以为凡是西藏天珠均属珍罕藏品。实际上,西藏民间有不少“中天珠”(意即“次要”),十分的普遍;然而并非完美古稀者,主要分


英文翻译:Avalokitesvara (Sanskrit: Avalokite ś vara), the goddess of mercy from dharmaraksha disciple with translation of chang-an yu dunhuang temple teachings sutra. Zhu fahu first translated "guang shi Yin", and his disciple nie daozhen changed it to "guan shi Yin". [1] xuanzang's new translation translates as guan Yin, or guan Yin in Chinese.

Bodhisattva avalokiteshvara is a symbol of compassion and wisdom in Buddhism and plays an extremely important role in both mahayana Buddhism and folk beliefs. The great compassion spirit, led by bodhisattva avalokiteshvara, is regarded as the foundation of mahayana Buddhism. The sutras say that guanyin is the Buddha of the past, he is in the infinite land, with the bodhisattva body everywhere to find the sound to save the suffering. Avalokiteshvara has a special relationship with amida Buddha. He is one of the three western sages, [2] is also the dharma master of the life complement, is the bodhisattva who inherits the amitabha Buddha, and is said to be the incarnation of amitabha.

Chalcedony is one of the oldest types of jade in human history. Our country is in neolithic age, already appeared as decorations, successive successive successive. Chalcedony, with its rich color and clear texture, is generally used as the raw material of high-grade handicrafts for carving. Common also have as bracelet, necklace and pendant and other accessories. However, the best ice kind of chalcedony, especially the color and lustre gorgeous but people's scarce species, mainly used for high-grade jewelry inlay, as well as custom-made fashion high-end buttons, etc.

[1] the Tibetan word is zi si, which translates into si or se in Chinese. It is also called "stone falling from heaven". Day bead in "tibetan-chinese dictionary explanation is:" the agate, cat's eye, a kind of gem, commonly known as nine eyes. Medicine can cure cerebral haemorrhage. The earliest tianzhu is xiangxiong tianzhu, xiangxiong tianzhu was born in ancient times across central Asia and the qinghai-tibet plateau the most powerful ancient civilization country -- ancient xiangxiong kingdom, it is the holy thing of yongzhong native religion, is the first of the Tibetan seven treasures.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: chalcedony avalokitesvara bodhisattva

English name: Chalcedony avalokitesvara bodhisattva tianzhu

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Phase: beauty

At the first sight, the bead is gentle and gentle on the whole. It appears in the natural light, and there is no light. The method of leaving a blank is adopted, which makes the prajna heart sutra Sanskrit, which looks inside the pearl but not on the surface.

The pearl of the day is the most precious treasure of the buddhist family. It is a custom of the Tibetan people to split the pearl of the sky into two parts. Half of them are used for offering to the Buddha, and the other half are worn by them. They consider the heavenly beads as the most sacred and precious treasure, so that they can not only dedicate their best to their faith, but also get the blessing and protection from the Buddha and bodhisattva through the medium.

Second day bead can regulate the human body magnetic field, the third day a pearl in the Chinese big dictionary "translated as" the agate, cat's eye, a kind of gem, commonly known as nine eyes. Gemstone texture has no eyeball, strip and have eyeball three categories, medicine can treat cerebral haemorrhage ", in xizang region is also known as the stone from heaven, up to now the local people still believe that it is the stone from heaven, is a gift from god. We can't prove whether it was a gift from god, but it is true that the oldest beads are extraterrestrial stones. In the 1980s, scientists in the United States and Japan analyzed the beads from xizang province and found that they contained a variety of Martian elements, which proved that the beads were made from subagate formed by a Martian meteorite that hit the Himalayas three or four thousand years ago. In addition, the scientists found that the beads have a strong magnetic field, which can effectively promote blood circulation and metabolism, and activate human cells to improve health.

The market value of tianzhu

When it comes to tianzhu, it is quite obvious that the collector jet li, who spent 20 million yuan to be invited from dabaofa temple, Tianzhu has a sense of mystery in Tibetan religious myths and legends. Tibetans think it is the treasure of god descending to the world. It carries the essence of the sun and moon, records the life cycle, and is the first of the seven Tibetan treasures. Among them nine eye day bead is the top grade in the day bead, more somebody says it has special magnetic field and force, if the person is worn, can be beneficial to health even can eliminate evil to answer. In this kind of contain "metaphysics" colour propaganda below, the price of xizang day bead is natural also rising all the way up, be like this 9 eye day bead that jet li wears, be Fried to estimate to exceed 100 million at one time! Similarly Yangtze send huang xiaoming bead worth millions, a canine teeth day by news media, and some to send a large amount of bride price instead of drowning, the charm of its day bead, bead appearance the day perfect, no ke the traces of the lack of damage, wear can regulate the human body magnetic field, promote the blood circulation, can get guanyin bodhisattva blessing and blessing, extremely collection value, is a daughter to pre-empt a treasure is hard to find.



點上方藍字免費訂閱 東方。生活。美學。 如今,经过一些商人的大肆渲染,“天珠”成了许多收藏人士争而抢之的收藏极品。 “这颗珠子全世界只有一万颗,是地球上独一无二的稀有宝石”。 “它至少有几千年的历史”。 “它有神奇的魔力,其灵性能护佑你一生顺顺